Diaper operation at the highest level: a mother covers the entire floor with soaps "just in case"

During the growth of our children, there are many moments or stages whose arrival we wait with emotion or enthusiasm, not only because it means that our children continue to develop, but because they also represent a big change in their lives and ours.

One of these moments is when the time comes for them to leave the diaper and, of course, we want it to pass in the best possible way. There are parents who are very concerned about possible accidents or escapes that may occur during this process, such as a mother, who decided to take the "diaper operation" to the highest level and covered the entire floor with soaps.

Saying goodbye to the diaper is something that many fathers and mothers expect. Some with nerves, others with emotion and others, with both. We look for the best tips to help children control their sphincters so they can leave the diaper, and take the necessary precautions for the occasion.

In Babies and more The "escapes" of pee when the child is leaving the diaper

But if we talk about precautions, it certainly highlights what a mother did When the time came to help your daughter leave the diaper: cover the entire floor with soaps, those small disposable mats with various uses that serve as support for the dog to learn to go to the bathroom in certain areas of the house.

Through a post on his Facebook account, Shona McLoughlin He shared the "Day 1" of the process so that his daughter begins to leave the diaper, where you can see the entire floor of your living room covered with soakers.

An exaggerated measure

DAY ONE. Am I doing it right? I sat waiting for her to pee. Do I still sit her in her potty waiting for her to understand how this works? I have no idea what I am doing

Your post He has made many parents laugh, who told him that "maybe" he was too excited with the soakers and shared their experiences and advice on how was that whole process of saying goodbye to the diaper with their children.

In one of the comments Shona explains that the soakers are "just in case it fails" his daughter and does not arrive in time to the potty, but that is waiting for his daughter to leave him little by little and eventually learn to go directly to the bathroom of the house

If you also find yourself helping your child leave the diaper or that time is comingIn Babies and more we have many tips on sphincter control: when to start, how to help them do it respectfully, why sometimes "leaks" occur when they are leaving the diaper, when to remove the night diaper, among others.

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