Have we ever had children?

One day they arrive, they are made with us, they captivate us, we fall in love, and we are not able to imagine life without them. I don't talk about couples, I talk about children. Literally, we find it hard to imagine what life would be like without them. I imagine it will have happened to you sometime. Looking at old photos, we are missing something, we wonder, where was the baby? But it didn't exist yet!

Our past seems to change, and when we remember some moments, that excursion, that party, that trip, we are missing something ... Hasn't it ever happened to you if you have gone out without children, to have that feeling, like when we know that we have forgotten some thing?

Well, something similar happens when you look back and remember the past. Not the distant past, of course, when we were children, but that more or less close past in which we already knew our partner and, although now it seems impossible, we made life without children.

That is why when we think about those days we need to place our children, where were they when we went to that place? Why don't they appear in the photo? Who did they stay with when we worked there? And at the wedding?

It's a feeling I have frequently, it's only a few thousandths of a second, almost almost unconscious, like a kind of deja vu, then we immediately realized that they were not yet born.

It is hard to place yourself in those "other times" without them. There is no melancholy, there is no disbelief, it is simply that we are so “transformed” thanks to our children, that we believe that we have always been like that, they have always been by our side. Of course, the transformation is for the better.

I imagine that I will not be the only one who is surprised thinking, did we ever have children? And that, in addition, now he no longer believes possible a life without them.

Video: I don't want children -- stop telling me I'll change my mind. Christen Reighter (July 2024).