Solutions for children to order toys

Most of the time we do not allow them to mess up because we know that it is we who will end up tidying the room. But for this not to happen because theirs is for children to mess up, stir and experiment, there are certain tips that we can put into practice to organize children's room toys.

Facilitating the task is one of the keys to get the children to pick up the room after playing. There are some solutions for the task to become part of the game itself and not the tedious part after the game.

Let's keep in mind that the child doesn't care if the room is tidy or not. It is we who have to teach them to put everything in its place in the funniest way possible. This will help to foster their autonomy and their sense of responsibility.

Storage solutions are not solutions if they are not at your reach. So they themselves will be able to save. The time to pick up must be quick to avoid getting bored and for this it is convenient that the places where you store the toys are at your height, at hand and easy to open.

If toys are stored in closets, we must reserve the lowest shelves and drawers.

Children easily disperse if they don't know where to store toys. So they know where everything is going, we can create specific sites for each hitting a poster with a picture taken from a magazine or writing: dolls, cars, stuffed animals, construction pieces, books, etc.

This will make them less heavy when ordering and it will also be easier for them to find the toys when they want to play with them. If they put all the toys in a trunk without distinguishing one from the other when they look for one in particular they will throw all the things inside to find it. Instead, if each toy is in place they will go directly to look for it there.

One of the best storage options for the children's room are the low furniture with plastic boxes. When opened, children can easily store toys. I recommend the trunks only for large toys and if we have enough room in the room.

For paints and small toys, the most advisable are small boxes or place dividers in larger boxes.

Also take advantage of the space under the beds to place storage boxes, but that are not too large so that children are not heavy. There you can store, for example, costumes or construction pieces.

Video: Storage Solutions: Tips for Organising Your Children's Toys. IKEA Australia (May 2024).