Breastfeeding training courses for professionals in Argentina

The Ministry of Health of Argentina is strongly motivated to offer health professionals training courses in breastfeeding in different parts of the country, such as the one recently made in Neuquén. For that reason he conducts courses in different parts of the country.

This Ministry of Health considers that the Breastfeeding It gives children the best possible start in life, but it also protects the mother's health and generates innumerable benefits to health systems.

To ensure that mothers can breastfeed, health personnel is a key piece, so that mothers can receive information and support before delivery and in the prenatal period, but also during the first two years of the child's life, which is the duration of the breastfeeding recommended at least, the World Health Organization.

He Breastfeeding Counseling Course It includes multiple aspects of breastfeeding. Among them: the importance of breastfeeding, ways of breastfeeding, the way of listening, strengthening confidence and giving support to the mother, as well as practical aspects of manual breastfeeding and other general ones about nutrition, health and fertility of the woman or the return to work.

These courses of breastfeeding training for professionals in Argentina they are organized by the Ministry of Health and directed by breastfeeding specialists, such as Dr. Alejandra Mercado, of whom we have already spoken in Babies and more.

Via | On Babies and more | 10 facts about breastfeeding published by WHO today

Video: Argentine mothers rally in support of public breastfeeding (July 2024).