Dads and moms blogs: weekly review

Today, like every Tuesday, we perform a review of the highlights of this week in the blogs of dads and moms.

We started with a magnificent entry by Violeta Alcocer in his blog Go through the mirror entitled "Crying, aggression, communication" in which he tells us about the communication between babies and children and their parents and explains how insane a relationship can be in which our children's anger causes verbal and nonverbal communication as well. aggressive with us.

In Breastfeeding, its author echoed a piece of news a few days ago in which the coordinator of the Health Centers Initiative for Humanization of Birth and Lactation Assistance (IHAN) explains that "Medical professionals are the first trip for mothers to breastfeed". In Mimes and Tit We have been able to read the experience of a reader of this blog with an elastic scarf. It's nice to read how well he is doing and how well little Samuel is doing in him.

In Max and LolaLola tells us how praise for her son, by telling him how well he skated, produced the opposite effect to that desired, after Felix fell minutes later.

In Diary of a pediatrician mother Dr. Amalia Arce leaves us an interesting entry on fever in the newborn that can help to know a little more about this common symptom in babies.

In Learning from Adrián, Yasmin brings us a breath of common sense in those moments when we end up thinking that we have spent with our children and in which we doubt whether or not to apologize: It is never too late.

Finally in Baby, we have been able to read an interesting reflection about what has been, and partly remains, the attention of childbirths in Spain, entitled "The most dangerous mistreatment is that which is not seen".

If you are a dad or mom with a blog where you talk about your children or young children or motherhood, we invite you to share it with us through the comments to take it into account in future summaries.

Video: When Dad surprises Mum for their wedding anniversary (May 2024).