We are all Laura Luelmo, our daughters too

Spain is shocked by the violent death of Laura Luelmo. Today the whole country talks about it, it is a topic of conversation in bars, in homes, and it has also been a topic of conversation at home. As a mother of three girls (14.11 and 9 years old) the news affects me especially because just thinking that tomorrow something like this could happen to one of them, my blood freezes. Why Laura could be any of us, any of our daughters.

Who was Laura Luelmo?

Laura was a 26-year-old Zamora teacher who disappeared last Wednesday in El Campillo, a town in Huelva that she had moved to just a couple of weeks ago. He had moved to this town to fill a vacancy as a plastic teacher in a school, his first job as a teacher.

The last thing she heard about her, as she had commented to her boyfriend, is that she went out that afternoon to run. But he did not return home. After four days of searching, his body was found dead yesterday five kilometers from his house, half-naked, covered by bushes and with signs of having suffered violence.

Today we have learned that a neighbor who lived in the same street as the teacher was arrested as a suspect and had been out of prison for two months, after serving sentences for murder and robbery with violence.

In Babies and more Brief conversation with my 15-year-old daughter about the La Manada sentence

"What a fear, mommy"

This is what my 14-year-old daughter told me when she saw the news on television. For a moment I thought "I don't have to convey fear", but it came out of my soul: "Yes, very scary, daughter".

As a mother, I am terrified that my daughters cannot safely go outside. I teach them to be strong, brave, independent, to wear the clothes they want without feeling intimidated, to trust others, because there are also good people ...

But the truth is that I am afraid, and it is a fear that I should not feel nor should I convey to them. But unfortunately, the threat is out thereAnd the truth is that, unfortunately, women are more vulnerable just because we are women.

I will teach you then not to live in fear but yes to take care, and I pray that tomorrow when they leave home alone, they return healthy and saved. That fate does not cross them one day with a degenerate that snatches their youth, as has happened to Laura.


Reactions to the news flooded the social networks of messages from women, girls, girls, mothers who, like me, we have girls and although we should not, we feel fear.

Even when our partners, mothers, daughters, friends, acquaintances will be afraid to go for a walk or play sports!
Even when women will continue to be harassed, veiled, assaulted and killed by unscrupulous men!
Enough of sexist violence! #TodasSomosLaura pic.twitter.com/nRXhI7PUof

- miguel garaulet (@MiguelGaraulet) December 18, 2018

Being free should not be brave. #TodasSomosLaura

- Mónica Carrillo (@MonicaCarrillo) December 18, 2018

Let me know when you arrive.
Keys in hand before arriving home and mobile in the other.
Walk fast looking back. Scare yourself with any noise or presence, with the darkness, with a car that follows you.
Already at home
I'm fine.
I keep breathing. # LauraSomosAll #TodasSomosLaura pic.twitter.com/fZdBq8jNuo

- Laura Fuentes Vega (@ laurafuentesv4) December 18, 2018

As Laura herself has shared on her Twitter profile, That's the problem:

Video: La madre de #Saray: 'No duermo desde que asesinaron a mi hija' (July 2024).