The sexual orientation of the adoptive parents does not influence the emotional development of the children

In many places, adoption laws and policies create obstacles for gay and lesbian couples to adopt a child. However, among the points "against" it can not be noted that their sexual orientation will influence their adopted children. A new study indicates that the emotional development of adopted children is independent of the sexual orientation of the parents, whether heterosexual or homosexual.

It also confirms something that also seems logical, and if parents are satisfied with the adoption process, have a stable income and work well as a family, the risk of emotional problems in children is reduced.

For the study, almost 1,400 American couples were consulted, including 155 homosexual parents or lesbian mothers. Each couple was consulted by their children, family composition and the dynamics and history of the children before adoption.

The American Civil Liberties Union has pointed out the importance of this study that collects data from gay couples, demystifying certain beliefs. The study has been carried out by researchers from East Carolina University, in the United States, and published by the magazine "Adoption Quarterly".

Recently we saw a curious news of a pair of male penguins who had successfully adopted a young. Sometimes I think we have a lot to learn from animals in certain things ...

Knowing that there are so many children in need of a family, I don't think that closing doors to potential adoptive parents is positive. We already know that sexual orientation does not influence the emotional development of children, and there are other more decisive issues, such as having the ability to love, raise and educate a child.

Video: Study Finds Sexual Orientation Of Parents Has No Affect On Children (July 2024).