Fandeval puppets

A few days ago I showed you the hand-dyed t-shirts they made in "The Fandeval Workshop". I do not resist teaching you also other artisan objects of this artist, fandeval puppets.

They are made by hand and also accept requests from the characters that we choose, which is an advantage to be able to make a totally personalized gift and with dolls that represent the child's story or favorite stories. They are priced at about 10 euros, very affordable especially considering that no one will have an equal.

The puppets are made of cork. With some spheres they make the head. Then, with a wooden spike, the shaft and nose are made.

The glove is made of colored felt and the artist likes to place in her hand some object that goes with her personality, also of felt.

They are handled with one hand in the glove, to move their arms and with the other holding the stick inside to turn the head sideways and stretch and shrink the neck.

For this coming Christmas they will increase the catalog of Fandeval puppets, but since as I said, they make puppets on request can now be a good time to think of an unforgettable gift for our children.

Official site | Fandeval's workshop

Video: La chronique de Gerard Collard - Sans laisser de traces (June 2024).