September 11, Pan American teacher day

In these days that many celebrate or suffer the return to school, we are talking about how much we spend, how children have to adapt, if homework is beneficial or not ... And we also refer to teachers, that figure that "makes school". Today September 11 is the Pan American Teacher's Day.

This date is intended to honor teachers and teachers, and in some schools festivals are organized. In the case of America, the Inter-American Conference on Education (held in Panama in 1947) recommended celebrating Pan American Teacher's Day on September 11.

This date was chosen because it is the day of the death of the Argentine educator and president Domingo Faustino Sarmiento (in 1888). For years later, pedagogues from Latin America considered that this date was the most opportune to honor all the Latin American teachers.

Since then, September 11 is the day to remember Sarmiento and a day of recognition and appreciation of the task of all teachers.

From here, our congratulations on this Mestro Day to all those who want to make the lives of children richer, helping them grow as people, and those who marked us in our childhood and still remain in our memory.

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