A US couple has 18 children and expects another

A couple from the USA, known for starring in a television show in which they show their experiences and those of their 18 children, announced Tuesday that they expect another son.

Last year we talked about them, when they had 17 children, and we see that the family has continued to grow.

The mother, Michelle Duggar, 42, commented that “We are excited to announce that we have learned that we are waiting for our nineteenth son” He also explained that in October his first grandson, son of his eldest son Joshua, 21, will be born.

The Duggar family, who are considered "conservative Christians," have children between the ages of 21 and eight months of age. Interestingly, they all have names that start with the letter jota.

I remember a few months ago when we published the entry called How many children should we have today? in which we debated figures of between one and four children. The case of this family is quite far (I think) from the ideal of today's parents.

Nineteen children, together with the two parents, totaling 21 people. Let's see what floor of 60 meters we all get into Spain and see where we get the resources to feed them all. I get dizzy just thinking about it.

If you go through its website you will see that your home is not exactly a small place in a building on the outskirts of any city, because honestly, it seems a hotel

As a curious fact, Mrs. Duggar has been pregnant 20 times, since after the first child suffered a miscarriage. In total it has been 12 years pregnant babies.

Video: Why China Ended its One-Child Policy (July 2024).