Sons of priests

The sons of priests They have been news. The newspaper La Stampa made the controversial issue jump when at the beginning of the month of August it published a news that indicated that the Vatican was studying the possibility of allowing the priests to civilly recognize their children, give them last name and inheritance without modifying their religious status nor were measures taken in this regard. Two days later the Vatican denied that this was true, and even that meetings had been held to discuss the issue.

There has always been sons of priests. At the beginning of the history of the Church the priests could marry and in fact they did. Celibacy did not arrive until several centuries later and was more or less frequently breached by priests of all kinds, from the humblest to some Popes. The real problem I am going to refer to is not celibacy, which is a question of the internal regime of the Church, but of the consequences of its rupture: children without a father.

Nothing occurs to me more sacred than the duty of parents of take care and protect your child, to attend to the pregnant mother and the little being. A child, in addition, needs, has the right, to a sure vital reference, to be maintained and cared for, to know who he is. Also, if he has a father, no one can deny him having an open relationship with his father and receiving his name.

I do not understand that any religious law can be above that unquestionable right and make it difficult. The Catholic Church presumed to protect children even before birth, he should not turn his back on the innocent who are born without a father because of an ecclesiastical norm and those whose parents neither recognize nor care for or support.

Obviously a man, even if he is a priest, can legally recognize his son if he wishes, but in fact, it seems that the matter is not so simple, since the recognition of the son entails public acceptance of the breaking of the vote, and that, more than a penance, it can lead to disciplinary measures that separate the father from the ministry. And that causes a huge Pharisaism, since these children are forced to grow up without a father.

This may no longer happen as frequently as before in European countries, but in those places where there are worse economic conditions or more devout societies, it is surely no less common than it was in Spain until the 1960s.

It would be much simpler to be more human, more sensitive and compassionate, and not expose children to grow up without parents and parents to deny their children. I think it's time for the Catholic Church, as a Vatican State and as a religion, begin to look for methods to make the norms not suffocate the truly important feelings in life, and to create paths in which a broken vote does not imply the need to choose not to recognize the child.

But there is more. Today the paternity demands are resolved with an unquestionable test, with the DNA. Although I do not foresee an avalanche of paternity claims as some media pointed out, the issue cannot be left aside, hidden, covered up, for a long time. When someone claims a priest the DNA tests, the solution will be clear and the Church would end up dotted with the scandal of these concealments.

Finally, no confession or state should hinder the Children's Rights. The priests must recognize their children, and then, if it is necessary for their beliefs, to do penance, but I cannot think of a worse sin than to abandon a child. At the civil and legal level, no State or institution should put obstacles to the recognition of paternity.

I think the Catholic Church should encouragethe priests to take care of their children They do. What do you think?

Video: Children of Catholic priests live with secrets and sorrow: Chiara Villar (July 2024).