Travel on separate planes?

The plane is a safe means of transport. In fact they say that it is the safest means of transport, since the number of accidents and deaths is much lower than that of other means of transport.

However, the severity of an accident with an airplane is hardly comparable with that of the other alternatives for obvious reasons of weight, size, speed and moving in the air.

Perhaps for this reason many people are afraid to fly and perhaps for this reason there are parents and families who decide Travel in separate planes. By this decision I mean that, in situations where both parents travel and the children are on the ground, the parents fly in separate planes so that, if any of the planes has an accident, at least one survives to take care of the children.

In the event that the whole family travel by plane, some also decide to divide parents and children for the same purpose: if an airplane suffers an accident, the part of the family traveling on the other plane survives.

What do you think about it?

Personally I can count on the fingers of one hand the times that I have taken a plane and my wife has a special dislike for them, so I doubt she will take one again in a long time. Still, I think that the day I had to take one would leave my life in the hands of destiny.

There are many, but many, life situations in which we can suffer an accident and unfortunately not all of them can be foreseen. In addition, in the event that something like this happened and half of a family, or one of the parents died, would always end up thinking that they could have taken all the plane without accident.

I think that to get on a separate plane thinking that I may not see my partner again (or a part of my family, if we all travel), I better not mind if I can avoid it.

Video: The Plane Highway in the Sky (July 2024).