They relate chemical compounds with premature births

The births of premature babies have been increasing significantly in recent decades. There are various theories about the factors responsible behind births before term, including the mother's advanced age, stress, food, tobacco and environmental factors.

Specifically, Phthalates, chemical compounds used in the manufacture of plastics, could be related to premature births, according to a study carried out by researchers from the American University of Michigan and the Mexican National Institute of Public Health.

To check the relationship, the scientists analyzed data from 60 women. Half had carried the pregnancy to term and the other half gave birth prematurely before 37 weeks of gestation.

When analyzing the urine of women who had given birth before term they found that it contained levels of phthalates three times higher than the other group of women who gave birth at term.

Premature births are one of the main causes of infant mortality, so it is necessary to prevent any type of risk.

If the relationship is finally checked, these chemical compounds (phthalate esters), used to give flexibility to plastics and present in some personal hygiene items, furniture and household items, would pose a risk to pregnant women, so they should be taken appropriate measures such as labeling the products that contain them so that they are avoided.

Video: 6 Chemical Reactions That Changed History (July 2024).