Children beat cancer better

On some occasions we have talked in our blog about the harsh reality of childhood cancer, the second leading cause of infant mortality in the world and one of the four evils that afflict today's children.

While the issue is sad to discuss, this time we will talk about hope. According to Galician specialists, tumors in adults are completely cured in 64% of cases, while in Children are cured between 85% and 90% of cases without dragging sequelae.

The most common types of cancer among children is acute lymphoblastic leukemia, followed by central nervous system tumors and lymph node tumors.

When cancer comes to a family it is devastating, especially when it comes to children, but it is encouraging to know the survival figures among the smallest struggling with all their strength to get ahead.

The key lies in their vitality and their desire to live. It does not mean that adults do not have it, but by nature the resilience of children is greater than in adults.

"Just as they recover better from a fracture or infection, their own compensatory growth helps them" better overcome a serious illness such as cancer, experts explain.

In addition to their own “privileged” immune system, both family support and the humanization of their care are also key aspects in the recovery of children with cancer.

A couple of years ago we talked about how we were approaching 100% effectiveness in the cure of childhood cancer. We hope to hear from you soon.

Video: Beating Childhood Cancer: Ryan Rings His Last Chemo Bell (July 2024).