Stem cells will help assisted reproduction

Stem cell research brings more and more hope to the medical field, and the case of assisted reproduction also seems to be included.

As seen in the event of the meeting "Stem cells: another step in assisted reproduction", stem cells are a potential source for obtaining oocytes and sperm, thus acquiring a promising role in the field of Reproductive Medicine.

And it is that several works have shown that stem cells are a viable source for obtaining oocytes and sperm in both animal and human models.

As explained by Professor Carlos Simón, scientific director of the Valencian Institute of Infertility (IVI), one of the Spanish reference centers in assisted reproduction, the two different types of stem cells have proven effective: embryonic and adult either ovary or testicle, as a basis for obtaining gametes.

As an example we have a recent study that has shown that adult stem cells from the ovaries, after being properly manipulated, are capable of generating eggs that were subsequently injected into infertile female mice and gave rise to offspring.

Since about 50% percent of patients in assisted reproduction techniques need some type of gamete donation, the finding is important: this way donation could be avoided.

There is much to investigate, but it seems that the road is open and promising in this regard, and is emerging as a way of help people with infertility problems.

Video: Stem cells offer a way to study infertility's causes (July 2024).