Love multiplies with each child

When we become parents a lot of new sensations come to us. Having a baby means the arrival of a little person who needs us and that will give us a lot of love and affection.

Many things are removed in our way of life and often our scales of values, those that we had almost engraved in stone, collapse to build new ones.

That little thing so small, that does not even speak, happens to be the reason that you run from work to get home, that you feel like life enters through your nose when you smell your head, that you relativize what before seemed important to you and that you decide to be a better person to be a better example. In other words, you fall in love with your little one.

Time goes by, and (maybe) you want to expand the family. You think about having another baby, a little brother for the first. The illusion returns, but some doubts come.

In our monogamous vision of couple love we extrapolate this way of thinking about love for our children and you question if you will be able to love the new baby so much How do you want the first one?

You feel that it will not be possible, that all the love you waste is directed at your child and that it will not be possible to distribute it.

In fact, you feel some guilt when you get pregnant because you think that one or the other will be lacking in love. You doubt getting to love the future baby as you love your first child and it scares you even that your little son and older feel that you love him less.

However, when giving birth, you soon realize how wrong you were to think that you would have to divide the love between the two children love doesn't divide, it multiplies.

In this way you understand that it is possible to give love to two, three and those who need it, because you know, finally, that you will love them all very much.

Video: Advice from a BIRTH MOM to Adoptive Parents. Love Multiplies (July 2024).