Cleaner air relieves childhood asthma immediately

Without a doubt, our lifestyle affects everyone's health, especially if we live in places with pollution, a higher incidence of childhood asthma can be detected. Unfortunately, we cannot always change life habits (much less place of residence), which would favor a reduction in asthma.

We have already talked about the fact that the majority of asthmatic children live in cities, and a study published in the journal "Pediatrics" indicates that life in an environment with less polluted air quickly reduces airway inflammation in children with asthma and improves your lung function

The study, carried out by researchers at West Virginia University (Morgantown, United States), verified the immediate changes in 37 asthmatic children who went from living in the city to a rural environment.

All participating children had mild persistent asthma and lived in a city with high levels of environmental pollution before moving to a less polluted rural environment. At both sites, the team monitored air pollution, pollen level and weather conditions.

Relocation in a less polluted environment was also associated with an improvement in the function of the lower airways, as evidenced by a significant increase in the amount of air that the little ones could exhale.

Unfortunately, as we say, our current way of life rarely allows that permanent change of residence (or we rarely dare to do so), but studies like this give much to think about our habits and our health, about the "new" diseases of cities and modern life.

Video: What are Infant Distress Warning Signs? (July 2024).