Baby scout

Since he begins to take notice of the world around him, the child feels the need to touch everything. The baby begins to crawl and move on its own and needs to explore to participate in many and varied experiences within its environment that will allow it to build cognitive structures and develop its creativity. It becomes a baby scout.

Touching, discovering and being surprised are characteristic processes of what is known as natural research. The child investigates mostly through his hands and that is why we seem to feel the need to touch everything. The hands are your first contact with the objects, both to touch or catch them and to take them to the mouth, suck them, drool them and even bite them.

Exploring means that the baby crawls or walks around the house, the park or the garden looking for “treasures to discover”. It may be the ornaments on a table, our most precious collection of magazines or plants, as well as more dangerous items such as medicines or cleaning products.

That is why in the stage in which the baby begins to crawl and explore the house, it is not necessary to limit his need to investigate, but to remove all the dangerous things that he can find in his path. Taking the necessary safety measures the child can be safe from accidents without suppressing their curiosity.

The baby is not only browsing, but exploration is a learning and exploring freely will help in its development. By manipulating and exploring objects, the child builds his first representations: shape, color, size, space and time. Begins to express itself, either by gestures or verbally and is forming mental representations.

Natural research or that baby's need to touch everything It should not be frustrated. In the event that you would like to touch something dangerous such as a plug, the best way to prevent it from touching it is not through the "no", but by giving it an alternative with formulas such as "play the bear better, that is dangerous". You will have to repeat it every time you approach because the baby's memory is still scarce.

Video: It's Play Time Saxxy 2015 Extended Winner (July 2024).