Koko, the talking gorilla

The majority of young children are fascinated by animals and as they grow up, if they receive information and stimuli, this interest will be a source of knowledge about Nature and the integration of fundamental values ​​such as solidarity, respect for the Environment and empathy. Y Koko, the talking gorillaHe has a lot to teach them.

Koko is one of the great examples to show the small traits of animal behavior that make them want to know more and arouse their best feelings.

Koko is a gorilla who knows how to talk and take care of her kitten.

Koko was part of a program that was developed over thirty years ago in which it was intended to study the communication ability of great apes. Koko lived with her caretaker, Penny, who treated her like the baby she was when she arrived and would gradually teach her to live and communicate in the sign language of the deaf.

Fortunately for both of them the initial program has become, thanks in large part to their efforts, a Foundation that works to achieve a natural reserve where gorillas can live safely and continues to investigate communication between different species.

Koko uses more than 1000 signs, understands many words in English, takes good care of her kittens and lives with other gorillas who have come to develop similar abilities.

The scientific community is divided on whether Koko speaks or only repeats signs without understanding the concept of language. It simply excites me, intrigues me, fascinates me. Be that as it may, knowing her and hearing her story is really wonderful for the little ones.

Visiting this page, which has a space enabled for children, is really amazing for children. They will love it. There are videos, photos and stories. They can even write a postcard directly to Koko and receive their response.

Official site | koko kidsclub

Video: Koko Amazing Talking Gorilla - Befriends kitten & gorilla recounts death of mother by poachers (July 2024).