The Humanization of Childbirth in Andalusia is already here

We have talked about the implementation of the Telematronas service in Andalusia. But it is that in the intervention the Minister of Health, Mrs. Montero went further and explained in detail what is the Humanization Program in Perinatal Care which has been set as an objective for 2009. This means that next year all public hospitals in Andalusia will be developing the Normal Delivery Care program.

"By taking the delivery to the hospital, we gain in mortality and morbidity but the woman has lost intimacy, prominence and ability to decide on such personal aspects as the attitude during dilation or the position of calving."

Currently there are a total of twenty centers that follow the guidelines set by this new form of perinatal care, where the natural birth process prevails over the technification achieved in recent years. There are already six public hospitals that have adapted armchairs to be able to choose the posture at the time of delivery and two have dilation bathtubs. But they won't stay here. The changes are imminent and widespread.

The objective of Humanization Program in Perinatal Care It is to achieve the maximum involvement of future parents during pregnancy, childbirth and the puerperium and also ensure that all hospitals modify their facilities and protocols to achieve delivery care without unnecessary intervention and that professionals are trained and sensitized.

The main lines of action are: the promotion of breastfeeding, the preparation for birth, the participation of men in the process and the upbringing, the adaptation of individual rooms, the accompaniment of the couple during the time of delivery, the possibility to choose the most comfortable posture for the mother both during contractions and during childbirth, the option of choosing non-pharmacological analgesia or skin-to-skin contact between the newborn and the mother from the moment of birth.

Likewise, it is considered that non-essential routine clinical practices (episotomy, shaving, application of enema, or separation of mother and baby) should be avoided, promoting the benefits of breast milk, supporting the initiative Children's Friends Hospitals, eradicate the existence of "nests" in the centers and avoid unnecessary income of newborns that can be treated in the room with their mother.

In the case of caesarean sections, whenever it is medically feasible, the baby will remain with his mother skin to skin and the neonatal units will be open 24 hours, also making it easier for the mother to remain in the hospital during the child's admission.

Excellent news that demonstrates the involvement of our representatives in making a profound change in the concept of delivery care, as society is demanding. Things are changing at a dizzying pace and I am very excited to make you partakers of these advances that we have made women and professionals aware. All this seems like a dream if I think about how things were less than 10 years ago. It seems like a dream. But it is real.

Video: Perro, demasiado humano Dog, all too human (July 2024).