Being a dad: meet your baby (II)

The other day we talked about the reflections of the babies. Today we will see their senses (you should know what they are) and how they are when they are born.


The eyes of a newborn focus better on what is about 30 centimeters from his face. It is able to see the light and perceive contrasts and movements. There are publications that say they do not distinguish colors and others that say yes ... we leave it in a you choose.

In an experiment that was done to children of 10 hours of life it was observed that they had preference for photos of normal faces than for those in which the eyes, nose and mouth were messy. That is to say, They come prepared to meet us.


At birth they already have a fully developed ear. In fact being a fetus they already perceive sounds and the mother can notice movements or kicks when she hears loud noises. They prefer the high pitched voices. Popular wisdom seems to know this fact and makes us talk with that special tone to babies (I can not represent you, but you know what I mean).

During the first weeks you can react to the noises with a start (Moro reflex), blinking, stop sucking or breathing for a moment, ...


It is the first sense that develops. The newborn has as more sensitive areas the palms of the hands, the soles of the feet and the area around the mouth.

Babies are very sensitive to physical contact. It is the most primitive form of communication and in babies it is closely related to the emotional bond, so skin-to-skin contact, carrying the child in arms, giving massages, etc. is highly recommended.


They have a very acute nose that makes, for example, six days after life are able to distinguish between their mother's chest and that of other women. It helps you find the food and contact of your caregiver.

It is able to distinguish between the smell of anise, onion, fish, ... Over time they lose their sense of smell as they develop other senses and rely more on the food offered. In short, they have a more developed sense of smell than adults.


It is poorly developed at birth although it matures rapidly. They prefer sweet flavors to acidic or salty. There is not much to worry about because until six months they should only drink milk.

As you can see your baby is already predisposed to meet his mother and father. By the smell he is able to distinguish which is his mother and which is not. By sight he is able to know if his mother is in front of him or if a Picasso painting has been placed as a hoax. With touch and contact, enjoy and relax.

Adding, adding, everything makes us think that a baby is already "coded" to meet his mother and to be with her as long as possible. Next day we will talk about this.

Video: VERY EMOTIONAL Father Holds His Baby For The First Time (July 2024).