A flight attendant nurses the baby of a passenger in flight and her gesture of generosity goes viral

Is called Patrisha Organ and as she explains on her Facebook page is a flight attendant from Philippine Airlines and breastfeeding promoter. And well that has fulfilled its functions.

In his post he tells that He heard a baby cry because he was hungry and decided to breastfeed, because his mother had run out of formula milk. His feat has already been shared about 36,000 times in just three days and he has more than 8,200 comments thanking him for his gesture.

It is not the first time that we talk about women who selflessly offer to breastfeed a baby who needs it. As in the case of the Argentine police, who nursed a baby in a hospital, while on patrol.

But still, we do not want to highlight these beautiful gestures that remind us of the generosity of the human being among so many horrible news.

Because all parents know how difficult it can be to fly with a baby, but if he also cries because he is hungry and we have no way to help him, the situation becomes even more complicated.

Hence the merit of Patrisha Organo, who has made the story known on her Facebook page, as a defense of breastfeeding. Accompanying the photo (treated to maintain the baby's privacy) write:

"Yesterday, I had scheduled a control flight to be examined as a Cabin Crew Evaluator. I thought this flight was going to be very special, since it was a big step in my career. Everything was going well until after taking off, I heard the crying of a baby, a cry that encourages you to do anything to help. "

He says he approached the mother and asked if everything was okay.

"I tried to tell him to feed his hungry son. With teary eyes, he replied that he had run out of formula milk. The passengers began to look and stare at the small, fragile baby who was crying."

She says she felt a prick in her heart, thinking for herself "There is no formula milk on board". And how he realized that there was only one alternative: offer him his own breast milk.

He went with the mother and the little boy to the kitchen, where he nursed him:

"The baby immediately grabbed. I was very hungry. I saw the relief in his mother's eyes. I kept feeding the baby until he fell asleep. I accompanied them back to their seat and just before I left, the mother thanked me sincerely".

Nice job!

It is one of the comments Patrisha has received in her Facebook post. But there are many more, because since it was published on November 7, it has received 8,205 comments in a post that has already been shared 35,825 times.

These are some of the people's thanks:

"You are a star. I hope your boss reads all these comments and understands how fortunate it is to have you in the crew. Your dedication, wisdom and compassion are a unique combination of a million."

It can also be read:

"Amazing! Good job. That mother must have been very relieved. I wish you the best in your career. I have a feeling you will do more great things."

We also agree that the gesture of this flight attendant deserves all the praise she has received, because with her gesture she managed to help the baby, her mother, the rest of the crew and even the passage.

She is an example of a person and a flight attendant. By the way! He passed his evaluation and continues to advocate breastfeeding on his Facebook page while breastfeeding his daughter.

Photos | Facebook Patrisha Organ

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