School failure and vision problems

Lola reminded us of it yesterday, and today we bring back news related to the importance of ophthalmologic checkups in children.

And, apart from other difficulties that occur in everyday life to anyone with visual problems, a good part of cases of school failure are due to poor vision of children.

From a study conducted by the National College of Opticians-Optometrists it follows that 30% of cases of school failure are related to vision abnormalities. Since the information received at school is essentially visual (and auditory), the loss or distortion of messages makes it difficult to acquire knowledge or simply carry out school activities.

Not seeing the blackboard, the murals, the schemes, the maps, not being able to read, draw or write well, the loss of details in the gestural expression of classmates or teachers ... can frustrate the school life of children.

Specifically, opticians are worried about the increase in the number of myopia cases due to the effort dedicated to close tasks such as writing, reading, computer use and television.

There are some clues that can alert to parents or educators that there might be a visual problem: stinging of the eyes, excessive tearing, sensitivity to light, fatigue after a visual activity, poor reading comprehension, keeping a bad posture of the body or head, blinking constantly, rubbing your eyes or frowning when reading or writing ...

In any case, it is advisable not to stop performing routine check-ups, and go immediately to the specialist in case any of these symptoms are detected.

Video: The Hidden Cause of School Failure Could Be Right Before Your Eyes (July 2024).