Approved Plan Educa 3, to reconcile what?

Yesterday a measure was approved that, in my opinion, and given the great social demand for this service, was necessary. Although hearing the way in which this Plan has become known has caused me bewilderment, as I explain below.

Its about Educa 3 Plan, aimed at promoting free education for children from 0 to 3 years old and that contemplates increasing the number of places in public nurseries by 300,000 over a period of 4 years.

Although the plan still seems insufficient on the one hand, because it will not cover all the demand for places in public child education. And it seems inadequate on the other hand, since it ignores another great demand that is to be able to raise children the same parents without having to face layoffs or give up the professional career.

Therefore, what caught my attention most of the several times I could see the news on television and what I read in the press, is that it was repeated every time with the approval of the plan "it is intended to facilitate work and family reconciliation". That?

We know that "conciliation" sounds great, and it is a very fashionable term but of course in this case the concept has nothing to do with the Educa 3 Plan. No, the plan in any case what it does is to facilitate the reconciliation of the work life of the parents and the school life of the children, but of course it does not facilitate family life. As I say above, education is enhanced, but not family life.

So let's not fool ourselves, we continue to suspend work and family conciliation.

Other measures announced by the Government of Spain do seem right to me and aimed at this necessary conciliation, such as the extension of the paternity leave from 15 days to one month or that parents can opt for a reduction in working hours until their children reach 12 years. But these measures are not yet approved ...

Video: How to raise a black son in America. Clint Smith (July 2024).