Beware of codeine during breastfeeding

A few months ago, the alarm went off about the possibility that taking codeine was not entirely safe when mothers are still breastfeeding. There was talk of the possibility that this drug will pass through breast milk and that could affect the baby in some way.

This week a study is published to check the possible effects that this drug may cause in nursing children.

Recall that codeine is an opioid derivative that is very frequently used as an analgesic and antitussive. It is included in many medications associated with other pain relievers such as paracetamol and some flu medications. The peculiarity of this medicine is that once it enters the nervous system it is transformed to its derivative, morphine, so it also gives sleepiness and sedation, and other effects of this metabolite.

According to the study published in the journal Clinical Pharmacology & Therapeutics approximately one quarter of infants whose mothers took codeine during the lactation period had some effect caused by this drug, which consisted mainly of depression of the central nervous system.

Of the 72 children analyzed, 17 had sedation or had some alteration in their breathing due to nervous depression. The author of the study warns that the use of codeine should be closely monitored, since it currently does not have any type of restraint. It also concludes that more studies are needed to reach clear conclusions.

There are many other pain relievers that moms can take without the baby being in any danger. In case of having to use it, it should be taken in minimal doses, not used for more than four days in a row and monitor the baby for signs of numbness.

Via | El Universal In Babies and more | Warning on the use of codeine in nursing mothers

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