First national meeting of Milk Banks

On September 25 and 26, the first meeting of milk banks in the state will be held in Mallorca.

The meeting is scheduled as a discussion and reflection forum aimed at professionals in which they will deal with important issues in this regard such as donor selection criteria, processing methods, cases in which the administration of milk from the Bank is indicated, such as promoting the donation of milk, etc.

In short, all issues related to the extraction, preservation and administration of breast milk from donor mothers whose recipients are hospitalized babies who require treatment with breast milk.

That said it seems that I am talking about medication and the truth is that I am practically doing it and now I will tell you why. In hospitals, the benefits of breastfeeding are informed and the decision of those mothers who decide not to breastfeed their babies and feed them with artificial milk is respected.

However, there are babies born with various pathologies or premature babies and these they are firm candidates to receive breast milk. In these cases there are many professionals who insist, always with respect (or so it should be), on the benefits, both at the level of defenses and at the level of nutrients, of being able to feed their babies with extracted breast milk.

In case the mother finally does not want or cannot, for whatever reason, it is possible to receive it from a donor, since Despite not being her mother's milk, it is a better option than artificial milk.

In Spain there are currently two Human Milk Banks. One of them started operating in 2001 and is located in the Balearic Islands. The other, the only one on the peninsula, is in the Hospital 12 de Octubre in Madrid and has been running for a few months.

It is planned that this year a new Milk Bank will start operating at the Vall Hebron Hospital in Barcelona and there are projects to open new Banks in Valencia, A Coruña and Seville.

In Brazil, for example, they know the importance of these centers and the importance of breast milk itself, so they have approximately 200 Milk Banks. With such a large number of banks, they are able to supply all hospitals that require human milk.

The donation (I'm still talking about Brazil) is collected at home, after calling the donor, by firefighters. Yes, I know it sounds strange, but the value given to breast milk is such that, as I say, it is the same firefighters who go home to collect what the mother wants to donate, whether it is a lot or a little.

Undoubtedly it is excellent news that this type of event is held for health professionals to exchange opinions and knowledge related to Milk Banks, a very important resource that offers the possibility of giving babies who need it most food unparalleled

Video: Legislative Dems Discuss Milk Bank Legislation at Press Event (May 2024).