Risk factors for suffering an ectopic pregnancy

We know that ectopic pregnancy, that is, the one that occurs outside the womb, is not detected in time on many occasions, which can cause serious consequences for the mother's health. Hence the importance of an early detection of this anomaly.

Ectopic pregnancy is sometimes given by certain risk factors, although at other times the explanation is unknown. We will list the factors that can cause a woman is more susceptible to ectopic pregnancies:

  • A previous ectopic pregnancy.
  • An anterior inflammatory disease of the pelvis caused by a sexually transmitted disease.
  • A previous infection in the fallopian tubes.
  • A tubal ligation that has not been successful or an inversion of tubal ligation.
  • An abdominal or tubal surgery with postoperative healing.
  • Complications after an appendicitis operation.
  • An in vitro fertilization.
  • An IUD still placed at the time of conception.
  • An endometriosis, a condition that causes the matrix tissue to invade and damage the surrounding reproductive tissue.
  • The fact of take hormones, specifically estrogen and progesterone, can slow the normal movement of the fertilized egg through the fallopian tubes and lead to an ectopic pregnancy.
  • The "morning after pill" (postcoital pill) has been linked to several cases of ectopic pregnancy.
  • Some studies suggest that perhaps, multiple abortions caused favor ectopic pregnancy.
  • Perhaps exposure to diethylstilbestrol (DES) in the breast (a synthetic estrogen formerly used in pregnant women), especially if this caused abnormalities in the reproductive system.

Up to 50% of women with ectopic pregnancies have suffered swelling or inflammation of the tubes (salpingitis) or pelvic inflammatory disease. Other factors are still unknown., since there are cases of ectopic pregnancies in which there were none of the above risk factors.

Video: Ectopic Pregnancy Explained in Hindi. By Ishan (July 2024).