Workshop on sexuality and child aggression

The childhood It is the most important period for the formation of human beings and their psycho-affective health. That is why adults, especially parents and educators, need to be the support so that this growth is not harmed, and for that we must fight against our own mistakes.

There is a danger of reproducing the errors of parenting models that our parents transmitted to us, models often based on premises that can produce suffering and emotional disorders if they were based, to a greater or lesser extent, on patterns of violence or disrespect for the child's natural rhythms.

To understand ourselves and thus be able to improve our role as parents, an appropriate option is to attend training workshops. In them, helped by professionals we can delve into the shadows that make us repeat inappropriate behavior patterns and that we do not want to continue taking with us. Yolanda Gonzalez, therapist and psychologist, is one of the most renowned specialists in Spain and will hold a workshop in July that can serve as an introduction to these issues.

In the workshop there are three objectives that, a priori, seem very interesting, and that inspire me many reflections.

  • Know the importance of the role of the sexuality children, and the different phases in relation to health.
  • Encourage the development of the empathy, from adult to child, creating prevention bases in childhood psycho-affective disorders and learn to differentiate aggressiveness of destructiveness
  • Reflect on the healthy / normal attitudes of adults, regarding aggressive and sexual manifestations of children.

Day: July 26. Hours: 10:30 a.m. to 2:30 p.m. - 4:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. approx. Place: KARUNA C / La mar, 109. Altea - 03590 (Alicante)

Video: Understanding the Basics of Problematic Sexual Behavior (July 2024).