Highlights of the week: June 2-8

Like every Monday, we make them a summary of the highlights of what was published in Babies and more the week that just ended.

During the past week continuing with the pregnancy special Lola told us how the baby grows: from week 13 to week 16 and from week 17 to week 20. While Eva continued to provide information on the topic of nutrition during pregnancy, talking about foods rich in folic acid and the importance of a folic acid supplement.

With regard to news and new studies, we learned that babies exposed to smoke have a higher risk of infections, that sudden infant death and sleeping with a covered head could be related. MMar also told us a British study according to which listening to several languages ​​before 6 months influences the learning of adult languages.

We learned from an investigation that found that physical exercise is better than diets for childhood obesity and another according to which pregnancy reduces the mother's stress.

Thanks to Lola we met a video about Supernnany's disastrous method of sleeping children and Eva told us about myths and realities in the appearance of the first teeth. MMar told us about the slow dream.

Finally Lola told us about the most stimulating toys for each age.

So far the summary, good week for everyone!

Video: WHAT A WEEK! JUNE 2-8 HIGHLIGHTS (July 2024).