Stories of parents: the arrival of my Angel

We are already in the final stretch of our section "Stories of fathers" where fathers and mothers tell us from the heart their experiences with the arrival of their children, although surely in the future we will continue giving space to these experiences.

Today we bring the story of Esmeralda and her fight for her baby despite a medical prognosis against. Happily everything went well:

Well, I'll tell you the story of how my baby's arrival was. His name is Angel. At thirteen years of age I was diagnosed with an ovarian cyst that at the time was only 0.5 mm, so the doctors told me that, because of my age and my condition, we should only have it under control. So time passed and the cyst there continued. A terrible fear of not having a child invaded me from that moment, but as time went by I forgot it.

It was until I got married when I was 24 years old that terrible fear returned. One day for no apparent reason when I went downstairs I felt a terrible pain in my belly that did not let me walk, so I decided to go to the doctor for a review but within me I knew that the cyst ghost had returned.

That was how they performed an ultrasound and the cyst was actually there. He had grown quite a lot. Now he was 10 cm tall so they decided they should remove him. The gynecologist was very cruel because I told her that I had a delay and she told me "well we will have to do the pregnancy test but it would be preferable if you did not have it because you will lose it with surgery anyway."

My mom convinced me to practice the test and oh my god! I was pregnant. So I decided to cancel surgery appointments and continue my pregnancy no matter what they told me that with the cyst I could lose my baby.

The doctors reprimanded me but that didn't matter to me. I decided to put all my effort so that my baby could move on and if God allowed and blessed me to have my baby in my arms.

Another scare came when at 8 weeks I had bleeding. It was the most horrible feeling I have ever felt. My husband and I arrived almost running to the hospital. We cry all the way. I was finally able to see my baby in the hospital, I was not yet well trained but I could already see that there was moving inside me and with his heart beating. It was at that moment that I put all the necessary desire for him to be with me.

After that scare everything went well. The cyst never gave me any problem and it was time for delivery. On November 4, 2007 I was about to go to bed and suddenly I broke the fountain. It was an exciting moment I would finally meet my son who had waited so long.

We notified all my relatives and ran to the hospital. My emotion went away when they told me that I had no dilation, that the cervix was closed and that they would apply medication to cause contractions and dilation. I spent all that night without sleep. Then the pains came but not the dilation and that was how they decided to practice caesarean section and at 11:33 p.m. My baby was born on November 5th.

Hearing her crying was the best in the world for me. In that surgery they took the opportunity to remove the cyst and my ovary. I felt something strange to see it as it was the size of a grapefruit, but I had discarded that fear forever. Finally my angel had arrived on earth.

The moment I had it in my arms, I will never forget it, although I could not get up easily because of the caesarean section. I fought for my child and in a few days I managed to walk and take it in my arms.

Today my child is 6 months old, it is the best of my life. I thank God for letting me know him, for being a mother and giving me the opportunity to have him with me and see his smile every day. They are the best gifts anyone can wish for.

Video: Trisomy 13 - Makenna Faith's parents discuss hardships and their Faith. (July 2024).