Recreational activities in the hospital

A smile, a game, entertainment and affection can work miracles in the mental and physical health process of hospitalized patients. Much more if it's children. Therefore, there are more and more hospitals that ensure that Pediatric patients find this playful space.

He Infant Child Jesus Hospital (Madrid) It is a pioneer when it comes to introducing recreational and educational activities within its services, aimed at completing the health care that hospitalized children receive and making their illnesses bearable.

Inside the Hospital there is a Theatre which opens its doors every day at 6 pm, to offer young spectators magic, puppets, music, clowns, storytellers ...

Many people are behind the foundations, NGOs and entities involved in this work, from the Red Cross and Save the Children to the Theodora Foundation, which we have already talked about in our pages, through Circus and Clown Clubs, Antena 3 Foundation, Solidarity Wizards, Live and let live ...

Undoubtedly, a selfless, commendable work and should be grateful when you see a smile in those little ones. Hopefully this example of humanizing your stay in the center, make it lighter, more cheerful, take advantage of the therapeutic action of smiles to relieve suffering extend to more hospitals every time.

Hopefully it goes from offering exceptional acts, as usually happens at Christmas, to make these recreational activities something everyday. I think it is worth investing in human and economic resources for this, as seen in this hospital, where parents can accompany their children 24 hours a day.

Just take a look at the extensive memory of last year's activities of the Hospital del Niño Jesús to see the great programming of workshops, games, library, dances, birthday parties or the presence of clowns that heal with laughter.

If the child cannot go to the activity, it will be the volunteers who move to their room. More than 4300 activities took place at the Hospital in 2007, which result in some happier children, that they forget their illness for a moment and that they will continue their day happier.

Official Site | Infantile University Hospital Niño Jesús In Babies and more | Children's hospital with family atmosphere, the best option In Babies and more | PayaSOSpital, provide smiles to hospitalized children In Babies and more | The Cyberaula of the Virgen del Rocío Hospital In Babies and more | You play? to improve the quality of life and health In Babies and more | Hospital classrooms In Babies and more | Doctors smile to relieve the little ones

Video: Tips for Recreation, Leisure, and Play Activities - Real Life Tips for Kids With Autism (July 2024).