The week in Babies and more: from March 24 to 30

Today Monday as every week we make another delivery of Weekly summary on Babies and more.

I will open the summary starting with the "caprichitos", that is the shopping section. The shoe company Clackrs has launched a new line of shoes for babies, accompanied by a campaign for the good health of the feet of babies that fit the famous brand.

We have also seen some bodies with instructions for those parents who are able to put the drawings on the back shirts, a "discreet" way to tell them how to dress the babies. For those parents that the symbolic game does not do, we have reviewed a horse to place on the legs to play internationally "horseback". And in Japan they have released a “nanny robot” that even quarrels through the eyes, when boys behave improperly.

There are social and economic situations that cause some parents to give a better future to a child to do unthinkable things, such as this woman who has placed an ad in the newspaper offering the unborn baby for adoption, others lend their womb to become parents to others, like the British Carole Korlock who has had as well says Lola, 12 "foreign" babies.

On the topic of pregnancy we have published the latest research. Apparently the use of antacids in pregnancy is related to childhood asthma. In other latitudes specifically in England, they have concluded that women have a misconception of what is childbirth, and in Holland they consider the use of epidurals for those who want it. And as an incredible thing in the United States is the first man Pregnant! And to get pregnant the latest studies indicate that folic acid improves the quality of male sperm. In Spain, the Umbilical Cord Blood National Plan has been approved, which aims to double existing reserves.

Regarding child health, in Spain the figures for infant caries are high, mainly due to inadequate oral hygiene. Quick-release gluten strips have been released on the market, a Sevillian invention that many parents of celiac children will appreciate.

The Organization of Consumers and Users (OCU), has voiced the alert for the presence of toxic substances in children's clothing and lighters remain a danger to children. In mental health, MMar has reported that by the 1970s, psychiatrist Meter Neubauer (recently deceased) had warned about the ravages of television violence in the child psyche. To educate children away from violent movies and bring them closer to the seventh art, the American magazine Entertaimente Weekly has published a list of the 20 best children's films of all time, so Eva has also recommended the Momo movie based on Michael's novel Ende.

In Web resources, we have discovered a Web that collects the lyrics of children's songs and another entertaining site called

And in this same line of intellect stimulation, The Weekly Country makes new deliveries of the stories of the Grimm brothers on DVD. In child development, we have published some tips that can help children who are going through the stage of night fears, and the consequences of education.

There is still much to discover that encloses the mind of a baby, and many scientists are in that work. Gergely Csibra, professor of cognitive psychology at Birkberck College at the University of London, has observed in her research that boys look more at objects, and girls look at people. And in Spain we have that great scientific disseminator that is Eduardo Punset, who in this video tells us about the needs of babies, his brain and the consequences of the first 2 years of life, we do not forgive that they do not see him, eh ?.

For those who are in Madrid, they have the option of taking advantage of the good weather by attending the puppet shows in El Retiro, and for others that we are not so lucky (like me) because the weather forces us to be more homemade, we have found a Web to make plasticine figures.

And to close the summary, a hot topic: reconciliation of work life and family life that we have discussed in two posts; Judgment in favor of work-family conciliation and data on maternity, age and work.

We hope that the information has been useful to you, and we will discuss more issues in the new week that is just beginning.

Video: The Buzz, Calabasas Events Week of March 24th at Grape Arbor Park (June 2024).