Belly for rent for one floor

The woman in the picture is called Silvia Malacara and is a Argentine mother of 33 years what's wrong with it eight children between 2 and 15 years. Their economic situation (and therefore vital) is precarious because the income of her and her husband is scarce and totally irregular, and they have already taken their children seven times out of school due to the constant changes of residence of the family for not having a fixed home

Overwhelmed by the debts, living on borrowed and tired of looking for years in official instances a help for their innumerable problems, has decided to opt for a drastic solution to get your family to live a decent home: It has been offered as a rental belly in exchange for a house.

Both the husband and the children, who are old enough to understand it, are aware of their mother's decision and fully support her. She stresses that her offer as a rental belly will also help another family and is willing to end a ninth pregnancy.

The proposal has generated a great controversy in Argentina and couples have already emerged who have accepted this offer, such as that of a 48-year-old lawyer and his wife who wish to have a child and who have been undergoing administrative procedures for an adoption that has not arrived for 14 years.

Although the practice of the rental belly is theoretically prohibited in Argentina in practice it can be done thanks to an agreement between the parties involved.

We'll tell you how this story ends, but for now we can reflect on 5 multi-dimensional points:

  1. It is a shame that in a country like Argentina, with food surpluses, there are still high levels of poverty and some families are forced to rent your body. The same applies of course to Spain and any developed country

  2. It is intolerable that sometimes adoption procedures be so slow, twisted and inefficient with the orphanages to overflow and so many families full of love to offer

  3. A society that accepts the abortion Why not let those who want it come alive?

  4. Our vision of pregnancy is usually the most simplistic and ignorant. The maternal uterus is not a vessel. There is numerous scientific evidence that the emotional states and thoughts of the mother greatly influence the child's personality and attitude towards life.

Dr. Thomas Verny reflects it in the famous book "The secret life of the child before birth." And the philosopher and pedagogue Omraam Mikhaël Aïvanhov gives an incredible vision of the role of women in pregnancy in their works "Education begins before birth" and "The true role of the mother during pregnancy."

How pregnancy develops may be as much or more important than biology itself (whose sperm and ovule are).

  1. Therefore and following this vision of pregnancy, is a rental mother the same as an act of love and solidarity to another couple (although of course they are paid) that exclusively for money, that is mercenary mother? No, and the baby born will bear the emotional scourge of being conceived and gestated as a currency.

As the RGB reader said in the post, what is a lucky baby ?, society makes us believe that everything related to children: conception, pregnancy, childbirth and parenting can enter the mercantilist dynamics, but this is not the case or at least we should not generalize exceptional situations.

I am not in favor of rent bellies just for money nor of a society that conceives women as if it were an incubator without a heart and conscience and does not make it easier for us to live the pregnancy with the necessary peace and joy.

Silvia Malacara, if you are pregnant with your 9th child, please give her so much LOVE as you have done with your own, also thanking him for having a more economically comfortable and emotionally more stable childhood and that your effort will help your own family and another.

Good luck to that baby! Because nobody usually thinks of them.

Video: The Try Guys Try Pregnancy Bellies Motherhood: Part 1 (June 2024).