Superarea Mecaninc F1, a toy workbench

When we have to repair a tap, assemble a piece of furniture or simply hang a picture, our children see tools that are unknown to them, but they are also dangerous. You have to be very careful that they do not fall into your hands, as there are small parts, cutting utensils, etc., but this does not imply that you cannot know the tools that a workbench can have.

We all know many people whom we consider "handyman", they know how to repair the hair dryer to restore a piece of furniture, it is possible that these skills have our son, and we can provide a toy that begins to familiarize him with what In the future it will allow you to develop even a trade. In Imaginarium we find Superarea Mecaninc F1, a workbench It has 60 pieces among which is a hammer, a screwdriver, a lathe, a caliber, an arc saw and many other pieces designed for children's play.

In addition to being educational, this toy encourages creativity and imagination, you can repair a car, assemble parts or whatever comes to mind. It is indicated for children between 3 and 8 years old, and its price is 59 euros.

You don't have to worry about space, because this workbench becomes an easy-to-store briefcase.