How climate change affects children according to Save The Children

A report prepared by Save The Children has just released an interesting report on the direct relationship between climate change in childhood. The report is entitled “A future of catastrophes? The impact of climate change on children ”.

It is logical that childhood is seriously affected and more when we know that the organism of children is much more susceptible than that of adults.

On several occasions we have spoken in Babies and more about this relationship, we can put for example a study on the influence of environmental pollution on future babies or does pollution affect children's intelligence? Both studies show the serious danger of children being exposed to certain agents resulting from environmental pollution and responsible to some extent for current climate change.

The report shows the different threats that hang over childhood, everything is a chain, climate change promotes the emergence of diseases in places where they did not occur before, the increase in contaminated food that affects the baby from the same conception, drastic reduction of drinking water and, consequently, the proliferation of water-related diseases, the increase of heat and a long etcetera that should make us rethink world governments with more determination to try to reduce the serious consequences of global warming that we are suffering. The Save The Children organization presents the following forecasts:

The sea level will increase and displace millions of children currently living in coastal areas, these displacements carry with them difficulties of all kinds, housing, food, etc., many children can die as a result of these displacements. Drinking water will be reduced, the lack of availability of such an essential element can seriously aggravate the current situation in which a child dies every 15 seconds for not having potable water. Currently up to 1.6 million children under the age of five die from it.

Malnutrition is another fundamental factor that affects and will affect children more forcefully, as we said before, the lack of water will cause more droughts and the reduction of crops, famine will be the main protagonist especially in the most disadvantaged areas. It is curious, one of the objectives of the millennium is to reduce precisely world hunger, but the great obstacle that stands in this way is precisely climate change, efforts can be in vain if you do not try to reduce its consequences first.

To all this we must add the natural disasters that lately are more noticeable and that reap the lives of thousands of children, to these disasters are linked all the problems that we have mentioned before. Currently, the picture is unfortunate and possibly worsened as children are the main victims of climate change. How many tests are necessary for the world to become aware of the situation ahead?

Video: Global Warming For Kids. Effects Explained (July 2024).