Mothers tell their experience of breastfeeding in public in different countries of the world

In the United States there is a puritanism that for many "take off the tit" to feed the baby in public is considered an attack on morals and good customs.

It seems incredible that in a country that boasts of being the "most developed", there are those who have invited a nursing woman to leave a plane or leave a restaurant. And it also seems unheard of that there are laws to defend a right as natural as breastfeeding.

In my home country, breastfeeding in public as a general rule is a common thing, women can be seen breastfeeding anywhere, on the bus, in a park, in the chair of a bank. Nobody looks or bothers, of course there will be exceptions, but I have never known or witnessed any. Hence my naturalness of breastfeeding without shame. I do it in a very discreet way, but not out of shame, but out of respect to those who may bother them with a "teta aire".

I sincerely believe that here in Spain there is no such position as that of Americans, breastfeeding is seen as something natural. I have never had a hard time breastfeeding my baby in public and being reprimanded for it.

However, for example, the position of the pediatrician who sees my children seems strange. Although she is maternal prolactance, whenever she gave me some indication about my baby's feeding, she tells me about "bottle", to which I have to remind her that Arturo drinks breast milk. And the times I have needed to breastfeed, he invites me to go to an empty office, when I do not care to do it in the waiting room.

Intimacy in the act of breastfeeding is necessary, with it that baby-mother connection is established without third-party distractions. When I am at home I prefer to be alone with my baby, well, with any noise I let go of my chest to find out what is happening around him.

All this comes up because I have found a Web where mothers tell their experience of breastfeeding in public in different countries and I liked knowing what the position of different cultures is in relation to breastfeeding.

The non-acceptance of breastfeeding in public, in my personal opinion influences that many mothers give up this and prefer the bottle.

There are testimonies of mothers in countries as diverse as: Brazil, Madagascar, China, Saudi Arabia or France.

Website | 007 Breasts

Video: Breastfeeding: Support Needed in Richest Countries (July 2024).