Donating sperm at 72 to conceive his grandson

It is a very particular case, a 72 year old man, given the impossibility that his son and daughter-in-law can have children, He has decided to donate his sperm so they can conceive his future grandson. This is a controversial situation that can affect the morality of various organizations, however, the doctor in charge of this case states that the relevant consultations have already been made to various ethical committees and independent organizations.

Instead of accessing a semen bank in search of a donor, they have preferred that it be one of the family members who solves the situation, and for that nothing better than grandfather. The grandmother agrees with the donation, in addition, as the sperm is functional and there is no opposition from the HFEA (Human Fertilization and Embryology Authority) being this a situation contemplated by law, fertilization is going to take place .

Some experts believe that, despite the viability of semen, it would be preferable to use semen from a young man, since the genetic level will always be higher, it is preferable not to exceed 40 years to be a semen donor.

As in all such processes, the grandfather must renounce any parental right over his future grandson (something very logical) and according to the law, when the grandson turns 18 he will have the right to know who was the sperm donor that allowed Your conception

The evolution of society may allow these cases, especially among the younger generations, but what will the most conservative generations or the majority religions of the country think of this situation? Surely it will not take us long to know the answer.

Video: 55 Year Old Gives Birth To Triplets. Strange Pregnancies Documentary. Real Families (July 2024).