Are you stressed if you cradle your baby with your right arm?

There are some studies with foundation that really provide us with relevant data, and others that they have no logical explanation as I think this is done by British scientists at Durham University.

Body language says a lot about us and I do believe that there may be a relationship between how a mother holds her child in her arms and her mood. If you make sudden movements may indicate that the mother is nervous, but if you cradle it gently you might think that it is a calm mother.

These types of statements are very subjective, although more logical than saying that if we cradle our baby with the right arm it means that we are stressed and if we do it with the left, that we are not.

The researchers looked at the behavior of 79 first-time mothers when they took their babies and realized that cradle babies on the right side It was more common among stressed women, while those who showed no signs of stress or depression did so with the left hand.

Interestingly, the majority, 82%, used the left, and it is not that they were all left-handed.

While the experts stopped saying that it does not have a scientific explanation and that it is not an absolute statement, but for now it could be an added symptom to identify the women most likely to suffer from postpartum depression.

I think I usually take my baby with the right arm (ups!), You with which arm you cradle him ?, Do you think that could be related to your mood?

Video: Sub Urban - Cradles 8D AUDIO (July 2024).