My girl: with 2 years, her first graduation

Today I dedicate a post to each of my girls. Like all parents, talking about my daughters is what I like most. I have already told you about the crisis my baby is going through and now I tell you how much my girl is doing.

Sometimes I think that events happen too quickly. I remember the day she was born as if it were yesterday and suddenly I am seeing her with a cap and cardboard cap receiving her first graduate school diploma. I think it's a lie.

Many parents will be living the same in these last days of class when they see that their little ones with just two years, some three recently completed, say goodbye to the nursery to face in just three months the hard world that the school holds (well, it is not for so much).

Some tears escaped from me under the sunglasses when I saw her act with her classmates, who, although the teacher assured her that in the rehearsals they had done great, the stage performance cowered them and she ended up singing herself.

Parents also receive the work done by our kids and a video with images taken throughout the year. Of course, at this age the change is impressive, from being practically babies when the school year began to "older" children at the end of it.

Really, I usually think that the march is being forced a little, that it is not normal that two-year-old children are graduating or that the three are “the elders” who go to school, but it is the world in which we live and which we have to accommodate.

And we have no choice but to accept it ... they are getting older!

Video: Little Girl Does a Hilarious Dance During Graduation Ceremony Performance - 1042048 (July 2024).