Take custody of parents for having obese children?

Yesterday we learned of a case, that of an 8-year-old British boy weighing 90 kilos that She could be separated from her mother because she was not able to feed her child properly.

Although it was obviously an extreme and illogical measure, sure that many parents felt affected by the remote possibility of having their children removed because they were supercharged.

Without a doubt, we would be in a crazy world if that happened. Just look around to see the number of children with obesity, perhaps not so severe, that we found.

What do you think take away custody of all parents of obese children? That would mean separating more than 15% of the European child population from their family.

Today it has been known that the custody of women will not be taken away, although although she has been irresponsible in her son's food education, it is not enough to separate them.

The solution according to specialists is to give the child a treatment in a metabolic unit that redirects his eating habits.

And I think it would be very important to also inform that mother about the severity of obesity in children and educate her so that from now on she will feed her child more healthily.

After all there is a moral. The news has served parents as a kind of alert.

Video: Parents Don't See That Their Children Are Obese (July 2024).