Father's Month: She's going to have a baby and I have a nervous breakdown!

James Douglas Barron, author of books for men, thinks about the need to give specific information for boys, for example, with the issue of having a baby, as already shown in the book She has had a baby and she will give me something!, in which he tells us from the moment in which the baby is already at home until the first steps of the child, a work in which he tells us his experience as a father in a fun way and advising as a father.

Recently he has published another book on the same line, in this case he gives information to the future dad in She is going to have a baby and I have a nervous breakdown!. No medical or technical books, realities lived by him and experiences of other parents. Also in a fun and entertaining way, it tells how the months of gestation happen, how to act with the future mother in a few complicated months, how it will be or could be the sexual life during pregnancy and after the birth of the baby, etc. We are sure that parents do not only want this kind of books, doctors, technicians and even those that are directed exclusively to moms are of interest to the future father, who at all costs needs to know how his baby develops and how it affects Pregnancy to your partner.

We are also sure that each dad would write a book with the ins and outs of his waiting, but since it is not always possible, we suggest you share with us some of your anecdotes.

If you want to buy one of these books or give it away for the nearby "Father's Day", you can find it in bookstores or purchase it online for a price between 7 and 9 euros.