Spain will prohibit the adoption of children from countries in conflict or devastated by natural disasters

It may seem like raw, ruthless or unhuman news, but it is not so, Spain will prohibit the adoption of children from countries in conflict or devastated by natural disasters. Nor will the adoption of children coming from a country that lacks or has a precarious authority that does not guarantee full adoption be allowed.

This is the preliminary draft of the new International Adoption Law that has been presented to the Council of Ministers. Spain is one of the countries in the world with a very high adoption rate, in fact it is the highest in the world statistically speaking with respect to the population it presents. Hence, the legislation must be toughened to avoid that children's rights are not respected and legal certainty is guaranteed, knowing the real origin and situation of the child to be adopted. The new International Adoption Law seeks a global unification, so that an international adoption constituted in Spain is also constituted in the country of origin or origin of the child that has been adopted. Among other points to highlight, it is the right for adopted children to know their biological origins whenever they reach the age of majority.

If you access the link of the Ministry of Justice, you can verify the differences with respect to the new draft of the International Adoption Law.

Video: Decolonization and Nationalism Triumphant: Crash Course World History #40 (July 2024).