Pregnancy planning, medications or unhealthy habits

One of the recommendations given by specialists is not to self-medicate when you are pregnant, one of the reasons for this is the so-called teratogenesis. This term derives from teratology, a science that studies the causes, frequency and development of genetic malformations. There are different medications that are precisely teratogenic, that is, they can produce abnormal cell development during fetal growth.

This is the fundamental reason why doctors advise not to take any type of medication without prior consultation, the purpose is none other than to preserve the good development of the future baby avoiding any possible congenital defect. Never take a medication without a prescription, but you also have to keep in mind that bad habits such as tobacco, alcohol or a bad diet can produce teratogenic effects.

There are some measures that must be taken to avoid congenital defects in the future baby, one of the most appropriate measures, but that are not widespread in the Spanish population is the pre-pregnancy consultation, of course, that this can always be Give more easily when you have planned to have a child. If you plan your pregnancy, going to the doctor's office to perform a checkup and receiving the necessary advice a few months before, will minimize the risk of a congenital defect in the baby. Thanks to genetic counseling, possible problems can be found that may affect the future development of the baby. Infectious diseases such as eruptive virosis or rubella should also be detected, as these produce really serious effects and consequences. Another problem that we have also talked about in Babies and more, is toxoplasmosis, avoiding it is simple and preventing it more.

Preparing our body with healthy habits, vitamins and necessary nutrients is really important, as data to take into account, folic acid supplements taken three months before pregnancy reduce up to 100% the chances that the child presents a closure of the neural tube. Diseases that can develop during the first weeks of pregnancy, in which the fetus is formed, cease to be serious threats thanks to proper prevention within a pregnancy planning.

Future moms can reduce the risk of having a sick child, just start taking care of yourself and let yourself be advised by a specialist through a pre-pregnancy consultation.

Video: Bad Habits That Pregnant Women Should Avoid (July 2024).