A girl conceived after a process of genetic selection of embryos heals her sister

It is the first case in Spain of a umbilical cord cell transplantation of a girl conceived after a genetic selection process. María, who is now 1 and a half years old, was conceived in a program of genetic selection of embryos in the US in 2004 and was born to cure the disease of her sister Clara, 14, who had a hope before transplant of life of 30 years.

Clara suffered beta thalassemia major, an inherited disease in which the bone marrow does not produce the protein that is responsible for transporting oxygen to the tissues and the only cure was to repopulate the damaged bone marrow.

The transplant was carried out last September at the Sant Pau hospital in Barcelona, ​​and after a very hard treatment and three months of hospitalization, Clara is already at home finishing recovering and getting the idea of ​​the overturn that has given her life thanks to your little sister, you will no longer have to undergo constant blood transfusions among other treatments and best of all, you can live. You still have to wait a few months to be sure there is no rejection, but the progress of your recovery suggests that Maria has cured her sister Clara.

The names are fictitious at the express wish of the parents, you can read this entire interesting article in El País.

Video: Genetic Engineering Will Change Everything Forever CRISPR (July 2024).