Cesarean birth plan: how to make it and what you should consider

A few weeks ago we told you what a birth plan is and the importance of developing it calmly during pregnancy, as this will allow us to face the arrival of our baby in the most relaxed and confident way possible.

But there are women who for different reasons must give birth by caesarean section, and in that case, they may wonder if they can also develop a personalized birth plan. The answer is yes, and today we tell you what you should consider and how to prepare it.

I will give birth by caesarean section, can I develop a birth plan?

Leaving aside unnecessary caesarean sections performed without any justification, there are several compelling reasons why the doctor indicates the practice of a caesarean section. But giving birth by caesarean section should not be at odds with a humanized birth and birth, as well as with an early bond between mother and son

Though in many cases the news of caesarean section comes suddenly at the time of deliveryOn other occasions, certain medical circumstances may occur - both at the beginning of pregnancy and during pregnancy - that make the woman know in advance the circumstances surrounding the birth of her child.

If this is your case, you may want to prepare yourself to face the moment in the best possible way, developing a birth plan where you record your preferences and expectations about your caesarean section and the birth of your baby.

Likewise, and even when the pregnancy thrives without any problem and there is no medical criterion that indicates, a priori, a cesarean delivery, perhaps also you want to elaborate it in case any problem arises The time has come.

Whether you are in one situation or another, we tell you everything you need to know to make a perfect Cesarean birth plan.

When to prepare it?

As we can read in the recommendations of the Ministry of Health, Social Policy and Equality, The best time to develop a birth and birth plan is between week 28 and 32, so that we have time to consult with the midwife or gynecologist the doubts we have, as well as to share our expectations with them.

Anyway, the document may be modified at any time during pregnancy, and even during childbirth, as events unfold.

Where to deliver it?

From El Parto is Our Association, they advise us deliver three copies (with acknowledgment of receipt) of our birth plan:

  • One in the User Service of the hospital or maternity where we will give birth.
  • Another in the Gynecology and Obstetrics Service of the hospital, or directly to the gynecologist who will attend us.
  • And another in the Neonatology Service.

In addition, we must keep a copy that we will take to the hospital the day we are going to give birth.

What to include in the cesarean delivery plan?

  • First, they must appear Your personal information: name, surname and ID.

  • If there is no medical justification that it advises to schedule a caesarean section, to indicate that it is desired that this is practiced once the birth has been triggered naturally, for the benefits it brings to mother and baby.

  • Accompaniment: although more and more hospitals allow the entrance to the operating room of a companion, it is advisable that you inform yourself previously in your hospital and include this point in your cesarean delivery plan if you wish to remain accompanied during the intervention.

It must be taken into account, however, that Caesarean section is an operation performed in an operating room and may not always be accompanied, but if there is no medical cause that prevents it, the fact that the woman remains accompanied by her partner has multiple benefits for her.

  • Another important aspect to keep in mind is where you want to be punctured to administer medication (right or left arm depending on whether you are right or left handed), as well as the desire to remain with your arms free and unbound during the intervention.

  • If you wish see your baby at the time of birth, include in your birth plan that you want the sheet removed or lowered, or even the possibility of helping the doctor take your child out with your own hands.

  • Early skin-to-skin contact: express your desire to stay skin to skin with your baby while you are sutured and perform the first tests. Likewise, and whenever there is no medical cause that prevents it, request that they leave your baby with you while you recover in the resuscitation room, or failing that, give it to your partner to make skin with skin.

  • If you have chosen to breastfeed your baby and there is no medical justification to prevent it, request to start breastfeeding as soon as possible (even in the operating room), because the first hour of life is sacred. It is also important to have specialized help if problems or doubts arise with breastfeeding.

  • Regardless of whether the delivery is vaginal or by caesarean section, do not forget to manifest any other wish or preference you have, both relative to you and your newborn.

As for example: the waiting time for the cord cut; the non-administration of bottles without your consent or that of your partner; warm, respectful and tenuous environment to receive your baby; wait at least 24 hours to give him a bath; Accompaniment wishes in case the baby needs to go to an incubator ...

It is important to keep in mind that the goal of developing a cesarean delivery plan is to show our ** needs, wishes and expectations about the process and the birth of our child **. But in unforeseeable circumstances, health personnel may advise the mother of other procedures and interventions more appropriate to those stated in the document.

Photos | iStock

Video: C-section Cesarean Delivery (May 2024).