Weekly healthy menu for children from three years

Until two years of age, WHO recommends continuing breastfeeding (or artificial) accompanied by solid intake. The children's diet should always prioritize quality and meet the demands in terms of quantity of each particular child, in this sense, we leave a healthy menu for children over 3 years old That can help you organize table meals every day of the week.

Feeding after three years

After the first 12 months of life, if not done so far, the child can join the family table and eat a varied diet always avoiding foods that have caused an allergic reaction and those very hard and large that can cause choking.

From three years onwards the diet is totally released, incorporating new foods with previous tolerance test as we did at the beginning of complementary feeding: one at a time.

According to FAO, children at this age need in average about 1500 Kcal daily that we recommend to cover with fresh foods, of good nutritional quality and distribute between 4 and 6 meals a day depending on the demands of each child, always considering the intake they make in the school canteen, if any.

Weekly healthy menu for children from three years old

As we said, we will try at all times for children to wear a quality feed and share the table with the rest of the family.

Although we should not force children to eat it is always advisable to encourage them to consume a variety of foods and impart good eating habits for which adults are always an example to follow.

Of course, we recommend limit the intake of superfluous foods to the maximum such as goodies, bag fries or similar snacks of industrial origin, industrial pastries and others that can hide huge amounts of added sugar, salt and poor quality fats inside.

In its replacement, we propose a weekly menu based on fresh foods, seasonal and with a high concentration of nutrients that we can all enjoy if we seek to take care of our health.


BreakfastGlass of milk and oatmeal cookies and nuts without sugar
MidmorningA fresh banana
FoodPasta with tuna and vegetables. Peach.
SnackGlass of milk and half sandwich of whole wheat bread with avocado and tomato.
DinnerIndividual eggplants. Watermelon.


BreakfastOatmeal pancakes with blueberries.
MidmorningMilkshake and Peach
FoodSauteed oriental chicken with vegetables and rice. Nectarine.
SnackGlass of milk and oatmeal and apple cookies without eggs, sugar or dairy
DinnerBaked beef roast with vegetable salad to taste. Cantaloupe.


BreakfastBowl of milk or plain yogurt with oatmeal, chopped apricot and chopped or crushed nuts.
MidmorningRoasted or compote apple
FoodHake sticks (or any other fish) with mashed potatoes and squash. Plum
SnackGlass of milk with whole wheat toast with olive oil and tomato.
DinnerMedallions or mini bean and carrot burgers with fresh or sauteed vegetables. Watermelon


BreakfastGlass of milk with banana and oatmeal muffins
MidmorningHalf sandwich of fresh cheese and whole wheat bread
FoodSirloin medallions with tomato sauce and pasta garnish. Watermelon
SnackBowl of yogurt with unsweetened cornflakes and chopped or crushed nuts
DinnerGrilled turkey breast with vegetable muffins. Plums


BreakfastChia and oatmeal breakfast
MidmorningFresh fruit salad
FoodLentils stewed with vegetables. Nectarine
SnackGlass of milk and toast with avocado and tomato.
DinnerMulticolored salad with sauteed salmon. Banana.


BreakfastCouscous with milk and fruits.
MidmorningNatural yogurt with peach in pieces
FoodBroccoli, chickpea and rice meatballs with eggplant sauteed with tomato. Apricots
SnackBanana and milk shake with oat flakes
DinnerWraps or tacos of lettuce with sauteed veal (without chilli pepper). Watermelon


BreakfastBanana pancakes with two ingredients + milk.
MidmorningHalf sandwich of fresh cheese and tomato with whole wheat bread
FoodBicolor pasta and carrot noodles>. Peach.
SnackBowl of milk with oat flakes and chopped fresh cherries.
DinnerSkewers of turkey and cherry tomatoes with fresh salad if desired. Cantaloupe.

We remember that this menu is indicative, that is to say, it should not be followed strictly but it serves as a guide to create your own menu at home that will help us eat healthier.

So, it is possible to modify the size of the portions, change ingredients or whole recipes according to the needs, preferences and possibilities not only of the children but also, of each family.

Video: Healthy Breakfast Recipes Kids Will Love WKYC (July 2024).