Choose the right stroller

Today there are so many kinds of strollers different than one does not know which one to decide. There are three wheels, four, modern, classic, ultralight, for the city, for the countryside, with carrycot, with car seat ...

Before buying, you have to be clear about the use that we are going to give you so as not to err in the election. In addition to liking the design there are other utilities and functions that the stroller has to fulfill.

If we are going to give it a daily use when traveling by car, it should be a lightweight chair and a resistant polyester fabric that can be easily cleaned. Of course, it is comfortable and at the same time has a strong structure with good axles on the wheels.

The folding has to be practical and easy to perform, if possible with one hand, and at the same time you can place it without help inside the trunk. If we are going to take ten minutes to put it in the car, it is not a plan. Ideally, you can open and close it with the baby in your arms. Practice folding in the store several times before buying it. For irregular soils such as the countryside or the beach, three-wheelers or large four-wheelers are very practical. Some come with cushioning and inflatable wheels, even with brakes and 360º swivel front wheel. For use in the city, the most compact cars are suitable.

You have to assess the accessories that the chair brings as the carrycot, the car seat until 8 or 9 months, the umbrella or the foot cover.

It is also important to calculate the size of the trunk of the car and the house lift to verify that the chair fits well.

The last in the stroller are some very stylized where the baby is in a very high position on the floor, protecting it from contamination and being closer to dad and mom.

Umbrella chairs are very practical for trips because they are light and easy to handle, but they are not as comfortable for every day as the others. They can be used from four months if the backrest reclines, but after six.

And finally, visit several stores before deciding, since prices can vary greatly between brands, but the functions can be very similar.

Video: A Comprehensive Guide to Choosing the Right Stroller for your Lifestyle (May 2024).