30 percent of teenagers suffer from headaches, and bad lifestyle habits are one of the main causes

Last June, the scientific journal Cephalalgia, published a study conducted by members of the Headache Study Group of the Spanish Society of Neurology (SEN) of the Vall d'Hebron University Hospital, to evaluate the prevalence of headache among Spanish adolescents.

The investigation concluded that teenage headaches are more common than we imagine, reaching up to 33 percent of young people on a weekly basis. Therefore, the Spanish Society of Neurology believes it is necessary to implement a series of educational measures to minimize the impact of this disease.

The investigation has been carried out between more than 1,500 students between the ages of 12 and 18 and belonging to several institutes of Catalonia. It was intended to analyze the most frequent types of headache in this population group, as well as the relationship of their headaches with other diseases and with the lifestyle of adolescents.

"Adolescence is a decisive period for neurodevelopment, because the brain has a very high neuroplasticity to adapt to the demands and physiological changes of the environment" - experts say

Dr. Patricia Pozo Rosich, Coordinator of the Headache Study Group of the Spanish Society of Neurology, continues explaining why it is important to have a better knowledge of headaches in adolescence:

"The impact of what happens to the brain during these years can cause neuroplastic changes with long-term consequences. However, and although adolescence is a crucial period for some primary headaches, there is very little information on the prevalence and impact of headache in adolescents. "

Headaches: a common problem in adolescence

The data released by the study show that Headaches among teenagers are quite frequent. Not surprisingly, 30 percent experience recurrent episodes (of these, 33 percent are weekly) and 44 percent say the pain also causes some degree of disability.

The study also notes that Headache is significantly more frequent in girls than in boys, in adolescents with a family history, and among those young people with worse life habits, such as:

  • Bad sleep habits
  • Less physical activity
  • Do not have breakfast in the morning
  • Consume caffeine
  • Smoke

In addition, the data obtained also indicate that teenage headaches are associated with other diseases such as asthma, chronic pain in another part of the body and mental and behavioral health problems.

For all this, the Spanish Society of Neurology believes it is necessary that they begin to implement educational initiatives in adolescence that minimize the impact of this disease.

"Our study shows that headache is a very common health problem among Spanish adolescents and also affects their quality of life"

“Since the headache of adolescents has been associated with the presence of an unhealthy lifestyle and with other medical comorbidities, the Spanish Society of Neurology believes that it is necessary to begin implementing educational initiatives that minimize the impact of this disease ”- said Dr. Patricia Pozo Rosich.

And as we commented when we treat headaches in childhood, experts say that leading a healthy lifestyle, maintaining a balanced diet and exercising regularly, you could combat the frequency and intensity of headache episodes among adolescents.

Via Spanish Society of Neurology

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Video: Can you die of a headache ? Health FAQ Channel (July 2024).