The needs of a left handed child

When you realize that your child is left-handed when he is very young, you have wondered what his needs will be, if he will have problems at school, etc. All this is normal since the world in which we live is made for right-handed people, even so, there are many objects that are specially designed for left-handed people and strategies to follow that will facilitate their life in the future.

When they are in school, the teacher must teach them the appropriate postures when writing or performing some manual exercise so that the child is tired and suffers muscle pain caused by forced positions. One of the primary tasks too, is to teach them to write in the right way, the notebooks are suitable for right-handed people and this causes the child to write as a hook in order to see what they write and this is precisely what the teacher should avoid . Even when sitting with a classmate, the child has to learn on which side to sit since at the time of writing, if he sits on the right side, he would hit the classmate, for that reason, a left-handed child You must sit on the left.

It is also important to check that the school provides them with the appropriate materials such as concealers to hold the pencil, special scissors, etc. If they are not provided, you can also go to some stores specialized in this type of utensils.

Video: Teach lefty to write. Lefty #1 (July 2024).