Diarrhea, the danger of dehydration

A baby can have a normal frequency of 2 to 7 daily stools if the baby is breastfed. If what you drink is formula milk, you usually have it 1 to 3 times per day, but it is very important to discern a normal bowel movement.

As babies up to six months do not take semi-solid feeding, the stool is liquid, semi-liquid or lumpy with colors such as yellow or greenish. The clues we have to recognize that your bowel movements are normal, are the child's mood, his progressive weight gain and the desire to eat.

The diarrhea It can be caused by different causes, although the most frequent is a gastrointestinal infection. The most important thing in case of diarrhea, would be avoid dehydration, since the consequences can be very serious, even reaching death. Whenever we have any doubts about whether he has diarrhea, it is best to go to the pediatrician, since he will tell you what to do and what the baby should take. Other signs of diarrhea are varied and among them are crying without tears, increased thirst, poor saliva, poor urine and great decay. Before any of these symptoms it is advisable to go urgently to the pediatrician.

We must be very careful, since a contagion can cause diarrhea in the baby, usually the germs reach the child's mouth through water, badly boiled milk or some food that has been contaminated by water, although insects They also play an important role and especially flies. A fly that is in the nipple, the pacifier, the bottle, can cause the onset of infection.

We must try to avoid all possible sources of infection with good hygiene, the mother or father should wash their hands thoroughly before preparing the bottle or handling any of the baby's utensils. Sanitize very well the containers we use for feeding and make sure that the milk is well boiled, also boil for 10 minutes all the components of the bottle and when you give it water, choose a brand that guarantees its purity.

Video: Acute GI: Watery diarrhea and dehydration (June 2024).